eventi en

escape room torino
  THE CLIMB to the Museum of Saving!  On July 20th, second appointment with our brand new ESCAPE ROOM! Come and challenge your mind and test your savings and financial management skills in a unique and engaging experience. Join us for an exciting adventure and discover how skilled you are ...

The CLIMB – new appointment with the MoS Escape Room

escape room torino
  THE CLIMB to the Museum of Saving!  We are excited to announce the grand opening of our brand new ESCAPE ROOM! Come and challenge your mind and test your savings and financial management skills in a unique and engaging experience. Join us for an exciting adventure and discover how ...

The CLIMB – the new Escape Room MoS

Estate Ragazzi 2024
  From 10 June to 6 September 2024, the Museum of Saving offers summer campuses two fun educational workshops to enliven summer 2024. Children and teenagers will learn, through play, what the most sustainable choices are when it comes to food waste and the basic concepts for moving safely on the internet. ...

Children’s Summer 2024 at the MoS

settimane della scienza 2024
  Art meets economy Thanks to Virtual Reality, live an immersive experience within ten different scenarios where works of art come to life explaining some key principles of economics and finance. On the occasion of the SCIENCE WEEK 2024 event, the Museum of Saving offers the unique opportunity to experience the new Admire ...

Science Weeks 2024 at MoS

Financial education officially enters the school curriculum of all levels: the Competitiveness bill, approved at the end of March, provides that it be taught as part of Civic Education to make children into aware citizens, capable of making economic choices in a responsible manner and to participate fully in the ...

PREVIEW Courses and Events School Year 2024-2025

  Financial education is more important than you think in everyday life and in consumer choices. Being active citizens means overcoming the reluctance to explore topics related to money management and acquiring knowledge and skills useful for personal and community well-being. Where are we in Italy and what can be ...

Training Economic-Financial Skills to be Free Citizens – event

  On the occasion of Mother’s Day, Sunday 12 May, mothers together with their children will have the opportunity to visit the rooms of our Museum for free. A gesture of gratitude towards all the mothers who, together with the fathers, dedicate themselves with love and commitment to the growth ...

Mother’s Day at MoS

Festival Internazionale dell’Economia 2024
  On the occasion of the 2024 International Festival of Economics, the Museum of Saving has prepared an extensive program of in-person activities for SCHOOLS of all levels. They will be available only during the month of May, upon reservation:    “Monetopoli” – Primary schools Starting with some videos of the Museum ...

International Festival of Economics 2024 – MoS school activities

  On the occasion of Earth Day, Monday 22 April, at 10 am, the Museum of Saving is dedicating the online event “From cowboys to astronauts to save the planet” to primary school children, to celebrate the environment and promote the protection of our planet. With the mascots of the Savings ...

From cowboys to astronauts to save the planet

save viaggiare nel futuro news sito
  On Saturday 20 April the Museum of Saving invites families and children to the “SAVE Traveling in the Future” workshop. A laboratory to explore the characteristics and advantages of the circular economy and sustainable mobility in a simple and fun way. What is the circular economy? How will our consumption habits ...

SAVE Traveling in the Future – lab for children 6 – 10 years

Disegniamo l'arte 2024
  Let’s draw Art returns on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April, the special event designed to bring boys and girls closer to museums through drawing and creativity. Promoted by the Museum Pass Association, this spring weekend is an opportunity for young visitors to discover museums, works, spaces and architecture ...

Let’s draw Art 2024 – “SAVE. The ideal city”

  On the occasion of the Easter holidays, the Museum of Saving will remain open with standard opening hours (10am – 7pm) and there will be free entry on Monday 1 April 2024. Happy Easter from the MoS staff!!

Easter Holidays

How much do wishes cost? Mica the ant and the birthday present The Global Money Week 2024 (GMW) will be held from 18 to 24 March 2024 and will be coordinated for Italy by the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities, of which the Ministry of Education ...

Global Money Week 2024 – primary schools event

  On the occasion of the Global Money Week, the Museum of Saving and FLITIN – Financial Literacy International Network, the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s network of ambassadors, are organizing the final round of the Money Master Challenge second edition initiative. An international contest that involved several schools from eight countries – Moldova, Croatia, Slovakia, ...

Money Master Challenge

  Saturday 16 March, 4pm When you put your personal information online, always think about who might be behind the screen! Your password is like the key to your house, it must stay safe!   The Museum of Saving and the Cybersecurity Department of Intesa Sanpaolo present “Prick up your ears”, the ...

PRICK UP YOUR EARS – lab for children aged 10 – 13 years

The Museum of Saving, the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings and Triulza Foundation, as part of the activities of the “Permanent Committee for Financial Education and Social Inclusion” of the Social Innovation Academy of MIND – Milan Innovation District, are organizing the webinar “The importance of thinking about the future: pension system and ...

The importance of thinking about the future: the pension and social security system

  “The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts…. He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher—in some degree. He must understand symbols and speak in words. He must contemplate the particular, in terms of the general, and touch abstract and concrete in the same flight of thought. He must ...


For Women’s Day, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the Nazional Museum of Cinema, proposes the event “Female economic independence via cinema” on Wednesday 6 March, at 6 pm, dedicated to adults, in particular women.   “You could make a case that, along with the technological revolution, the most provocative upending ...

Female economic independence via cinema

  Financial education meets history A cycle of appointments to understand finance through history   On March 5, at 11.00 am, the Museum of Saving offers high schools the online event “When money grew on trees”. The history of money is a fascinating story that is intertwined with the history of ...

WHEN MONEY GREW ON TREES – high school event

All the events scheduled in the months of March and April for schools of all levels   PRIMARY SCHOOL   EARTH DAY April 22 *online On the occasion of Earth Day, an event on sustainability and circular economy with contents taken from the S.A.V.E. Virtual Tour project, to celebrate the ...

Save The Date: School events March – April

nuova sala Ammirare
  The Museum of Saving presents the new exhibit “Admire” which combines art and economics From Thursday 22nd to Sunday 25th February free entry to discover the Museum and try the new virtual reality station. Reservations at: prenotazionimdr@civita.art    On Thursday 22 February the Museum of Saving inaugurates the new interactive exhibit ...

New ADMIRE room – where Economy meets Art

The Museum of Saving has started a collaboration project with the Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civil Service for the dissemination of financial education to young holders of the Youth Card. Below is the training offer of the Museum of Saving.   Free entry to the Museum of Saving For all ...


safer internet day 2024
  On February 6, on the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2024, the Museum of Saving is organizing a double online event for secondary schools. An interactive webinar to better understand, with the help of a Cybersecurity expert, how to navigate the web safely and how to protect yourself from digital ...

Safer Internet Day 2024 – Secondary school event

  The FLITIN – Financial Literacy International Network of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group promotes “S.A.V.E. AMBASSADORS International Edition”, the second edition of the initiative aimed at secondary schools (ages 16-18) in Albania, Croatia, Egypt, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, interested in actively involving their students in the development of an approach to life ...

S.A.V.E. AMBASSADORS International Edition

gestire le emozioni e sviluppare l'empatia news sito
  As part of the collaboration project between MOIGE e Museum of Saving, on January 15th, at 6 pm, the third online appointment of the series of meetings dedicated to parents How to help children act consciously.   It is normal that children do not fully understand their emotions and are unable to ...

Managing emotions and developing empathy – meeting with Moige

  On Wednesday 3 January the Museum of Saving invites families and children to the “Pocket money and savings” workshop. Through cartoons, video games and artificial intelligence, children will discover whether they are more of a grasshopper or more of an ant, especially after the festive gifts they receive.   What is ...

Pocket money and savings – lab for children aged 8 -10

festività natalizie 2023 news sito
  On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, the Museum of Saving will offer visitors three days of free admission: Sunday 24 December (closing at 5.30pm), Sunday 31 December (closing at 5.30pm) and Saturday 6 January. The Museum will however be closed on 25 and 26 December and 1 January ...

Christmas holidays 2023

Campus Fuoriclasse della Scuola 2023
  From 13 to 14 December the Museum of Saving and the LIUC – Cattaneo University will host the 2023 edition of the Campus For School Aces, the first project in Italy that rewards the high school talents, winners of the MUR Olympics. The project aims to enhance excellent students through cash prizes ...

Campus for School Aces 2023

Il mio Posto nel Mondo 2023
  “The uncertainty in which we are immersed, our precariousness, suspended over the abyss of what we don’t know does not make life senseless: it makes it precious” C. Rovelli   TO DO or NOT TO DO? How to transform the challenge of the unknown into an opportunity for personal ...

My Place in the World 2023 – high school event

  On Thursday 30th November, at 6pm, the Museum of Saving  proposes the online event “What artificial intelligences can (not) do“, an informative meeting on the applications of AI and the impact it can have on our society.   As technological progress advances rapidly, Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the way humans ...

What artificial intelligences can (not) do

laboratori per bambini e famiglie 2023 - 2024
  Where does the name coin come from? What is money for? Why is it important not to waste natural resources?   The Museum of Saving answers these and many other questions in a simple, clear and playful way. There is no inaccessible topic if you find the right way to ...

Workshops for children and families 2023 – 2024

  The Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the Piedmont Regional Council and the Regional Usury Observatory, promotes a meeting aimed at high schools on the importance of knowing how to consciously manage debt choices.   PROGRAM Ore 10:00 – GreetingsGiovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving Ore 10:10 – Over-indebtedness ...

Economic legality, debt and usury: how can we defend ourselves?

  The Museum of Saving  proposes the online event “ECONOMY IS WOMAN“, dedicated to adults, in particular women, on Friday 10 November, at 6 pm. The word economy derives from the union of the Greek words οἴκος (oikos), house and νόμος (nomos), rule, law, literally therefore “management of the house”, ...