22 May

Traveling with For and Mica to save the planet’s biodiversity – online event for primary schools

As part of the Festival of Sustainable Development on the occasion of World Biodiversity Day, an anniversary established by the United Nations on 22 May to recall the importance of protecting the biodiversity of our planet, the Museum of Saving dedicates to primary schools the online event “Travelling with For and Mica to save the planet’s biodiversity”.


Together with the mascots of the Museum of Saving, For and Mica, and through animated videos and interactive apps we will discover what biodiversity means. The special guest will be the scientist ANTenna, who will answer children’s questions and curiosities about what each of us can do to safeguard species, protect the planet and be more sustainable.

In the end, the participating classes will be able to challenge each other in a fun quiz to win nice gadgets from the Museum.


How to participate

Free participation with mandatory registration by filling out the form https://bit.ly/GiornataBiodiversità_22mag by May 20th.

All registered teachers will receive instructions for connecting.

For further information on the event, write to info@museodelrisparmio.it