The Museum of Saving offers secondary schools of all levels a modular Financial Education Path (PEF), to be carried out in person at via San Francesco d’Assisi 8/a, at the Museum, during the 2024-25 school year.
The Path consists of three modules lasting 2 hours each, which will respectively address the topics of personal budget management, investment and business creation, with the aim of offering students a kit of basic economic citizenship knowledge and skills useful for making informed and conscious decisions.
The dates and times of each meeting will be agreed with the teachers in charge.
Below is the content of the Path.
Module 1
The basics of planning
Interactive lesson: through the collective viewing of some interviews and films of the MoS (“Interview with Anna Maria Lusardi: knowledge and planning”, “Interview with Shakespeare: objectives and planning”, “Interview with Elsa Fornero: pension and planning”) we will reflect on the meaning of saving and the importance of knowing how to plan one’s economic decisions and developing a long-term perspective.
Laboratory activity: a simple five-step methodology will be illustrated to set up effective financial planning; through small exercises, students will learn how to manage their personal budget, taking into account spending objectives, time horizon, monitoring of fixed and variable expenses.
Module 2
ABC of Finance
Interactive lesson: through some animated videos of the MoS, the main instruments and subjects that operate on the financial market will be introduced, clarifying the characteristics of shares, bonds and mutual funds, and explaining the concepts of yield, risk and diversification.
Laboratory activity: in groups, the kids will try their hand at a role play in which they will be asked to impersonate a financial advisor and simulate the creation of an investment portfolio for a hypothetical client.
Module 3
Business between innovation, ethics and sustainability
Interactive lesson: the collective viewing of some MoS films (e.g. “Interview with Brunello Cucinelli”) will allow to deepen the dimensions of innovation, ethics and sustainability that modern companies cannot ignore, with particular attention to the concepts of corporate social responsibility and circular economy.
Laboratory activity: to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the interactive lesson, transforming it into skills, students will simulate the realization of an entrepreneurial idea that leads to the development of sustainable products or services.
Appointments can take place in the morning, afternoon or early evening (at the choice of the institutes).
At the end of the course, the Museum of Saving may issue, also for the purposes of a possible counting within the number of hours provided for Civic Education, a certificate of attendance that will indicate the names of teachers and students involved, as well as the dates and hours of training provided.
To activate the course, the registration of a minimum of two classes per School Institute is required, and participation in at least two of the three proposed modules.
The cost of the Course is 4 euros per student for each module; participation is free for accompanying teachers.
For information and registration, you can send an email to info@museodelrisparmio.it, indicating the Institute, classes involved, name of the contact teachers and number of students.