What do sport and economics have in common? A lot!
Knowledge and respect for the rules, training, consistency and patience are values that in sport, as in the management of personal finances, help you achieve your goals.
How, then, can you take control of your future? By training regularly.
Thursday 28 September, 6 pm, the Museum of Saving presents “LET’S SCORE A TRY! Take care of your money“: a free training course for adults that introduces the basic concepts of economics and provides useful elements for making informed and rational decisions to achieve your goals.
Guest of the online event Luciano Canova who will present his latest book “The economist on the treadmill“, and will explain how to practice the words of economics through TV series, films, cartoon characters and much more.
Participation in the online event is free upon registration at the link: bit.ly/Evento28sett
Subscribers will receive links and instructions for connecting.
But what is “LET’S SCORE A TRY! Take care of your money” ?
Not an economics course with lectures, but an edutainment initiative that favors interaction and learning through doing and involvement: an approach that distinguishes all the activities of the Museum of Saving.
“LET’S SCORE A TRY! Take care of your money” is a training course designed to provide young people and adults with the basic skills necessary to face economic decisions in a conscious and rational manner which will allow them to achieve serenity and economic well-being, for themselves and for their families.
The path uses metaphors and references to the sporting world, because the attitude and skills necessary to cultivate our psychophysical well-being are in many ways similar to those needed to take care of our financial well-being.
LET’S SCORE A TRY! develops into 10 one-hour online meetings, plus a further hour aimed particularly at women.
Each meeting alternates theoretical moments and interactive moments. Participants will watch some videos of the Savings Museum and will be involved in small quizzes, tests, surveys and multimedia games, with broad and appropriate references to the sporting world.
Participation in the meetings is free upon registration by CLICKING HERE
At the end of the course it is possible to request a certificate of participation, subject to the minimum attendance of 8 meetings.
The Modules
- Scoring a try is not impossible – 17 October, 6pm
In this module, the aspects that bring sport closer to economic awareness will be examined and the main psychological conditions that hinder our financial choices will be introduced. We will refer to examples taken from the economic and sporting fields.
- The value of money over time – 7 November, 6pm
Is a euro worth more today or tomorrow? Having clarified the concept of “time value of money”, we will introduce the concept of interest – as a tool for making money profitable – explaining its functioning mechanism and distinguishing between simple and compound interest. We will also see the application of the compound interest rate in financing contracts and the resulting “avalanche” effect.
- Inflation – 28 November, 6pm
Today there is a lot of talk about inflation: in this module we will explain the causes and effects of this phenomenon, in particular on consumption and investment choices, on income and savings. An in-depth analysis will also be offered on hyperinflation and the role of central banks, with particular reference to the European Central Bank.
- Saving and planning – 16 January 2024, 6pm
What is the relationship between income, consumption and savings? How to correctly manage your personal and family budget? This module will illustrate the planning process, which allows – through a few simple steps – to plan economic behavior with a view to achieving a goal; the benefits and importance will be clarified, with a view to maintaining the standard of living in the post-career and retirement period.
- The bank – 6 February 2024, 6pm
After explaining what role the bank plays in the economic and social sphere, its main tools and services will be introduced. Their functioning will be illustrated and the costs involved in banking operations will be examined. Finally, we will mention the forms of consumer credit, which allow customers to borrow money under certain conditions and costs.
- Debt – 27 February 2024, 6pm
After having specified the relationship that must exist between planning and debt, and clarified what its correct management consists of, the most common form of debt, the loan, will be presented, illustrating its characteristics and main purposes. Among these is the real estate investment that can be achieved through a mortgage, the various aspects of which will be presented. In conclusion, the phenomenon of usury will be analysed.
- Interest rate, duration and amortization of loans – 19 March 2024, 6 pm
Mortgages and financing: how to orient yourself? In this module we will introduce the difference between fixed and variable interest rates and their impact on the mortgage payment. The consequences of a more or less long duration of the loan will be analysed, and some useful advice will be provided for making a choice. We will then explain what an amortization plan is, i.e. the mechanism underlying the repayment of a loan, distinguishing between the most common types.
- The investment – 9 April 2024, 6pm
What should we know before investing? What relationship exists between risk and return? After an introductory explanation of what investment is, the analysis of its objectives and the examination of the characteristics that some of its forms have in common, the attention will be focused on financial investments, their returns and the inseparably connected risk.
- Financial instruments – 7 May 2024, 6 pm
Is it possible to mitigate investment risk? How are stocks and bonds different? This module will illustrate the concept of diversification, which every investor should be well aware of. The most common financial instruments (shares, bonds, funds, derivatives) will then be described, examining their pros and cons in relation to the specific characteristics and profile of the investor.
- Digital payments and cryptocurrencies – 28 May 2024, 6pm
Digital payment tools are convenient and fast, but they present some risks that need to be paid attention to. After having outlined the scenario of digital payments, explaining their advantages and disadvantages, the context of the frauds connected to them will be presented and some valuable suggestions for recognizing and avoiding them will be provided. The specificity of digital currency will also be illustrated (with particular reference to the digital euro) and the phenomenon of cryptocurrencies will be introduced.