31 October

SAVE Ambassadors – International Edition

The FLITIN network celebrates World Saving Day with the launch of the second edition of the “SAVE Ambassadors – International Edition” project.


The international network of Ambassadors of the Intesa Sanpaolo group, founded in 2022, has renewed its commitment to promoting and spreading financial education, in the countries where the Group is present, with various initiatives, which last year involved almost 2,000 students.

Among these, on the occasion of World Saving Day, which takes place on 31 October every year all over the world, eight countries of the Network have launched the second edition of the competition, S.A.V.E. Ambassadors International Edition. This is an initiative aimed at secondary school students, as part of the SAVE – Sustainability Action Voyage Experience project of the Museum of Saving, dedicated to the themes of education for economic citizenship and sustainability.

Moldova, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Albania, Romania, Egypt and Serbia will involve students in a multimedia teaching lesson, the beginning of a training course with the aim of developing proposals to make their territory more sustainable for the entire community.

The competition will end in January with a prizegiving for the best projects.

The importance of saving, universally celebrated on this international day, extends to the conscious use of finite environmental resources. The Museum of Saving considers economic and environmental sustainability to be inseparable and has been working for years to disseminate best practices in conscious consumption.