SAVE Virtual Tour

The “S.A.V.E. Virtual Tour” project, developed by the Museum of Saving in collaboration with the EIB Institute, aims to make thematic itineraries, interactive games and APPs, dedicated to financial education, environmental sustainability and the circular economy, available online to educational institutions.

The initiative is addressed to all Italian schools, who can enjoy the proposed activities without geographical limitations.

Specifically, three different sets of online content are available, for primary schools, lower secondary schools or upper secondary schools, each containing:

1) a selection of videos and APPs on financial education, environmental sustainability and circular economy;

2) a kit to create an interactive game in the classroom  dedicated to the sustainable management of resources.

Below is the list of proposed content, differentiated by type of school.

Primary schools:

Lower secondary schools:

Upper secondary schools:

Classes will have the opportunity to view thematic itineraries remotely, and teachers will be able to use the kits provided to replicate the interactive games in the classroom.

Teachers who join the SAVE Virtual Tour project will be asked to complete an evaluation questionnaire at the end of the initiative.

The participation of schools will be completely free. Registration is required by filling out this form.

For more information on the SAVE Virtual Tour project:

Click here for INFO on previous editions.


Download the Press release.