Financial education is more important than you think in everyday life and in consumer choices. Being active citizens means overcoming the reluctance to explore topics related to money management and acquiring knowledge and skills useful for personal and community well-being.
Where are we in Italy and what can be done to spread the knowledge underlying informed choices to a wider segment of the population?
How can we bring youngsters and adults closer to these issues effectively?
How can we make a difference after a decade of experimentation?
On the occasion of the International Festival of Economics 2024, on May 30th, at 6.30 pm, at the Museum of Saving we will talk about it with:
Elsa Fornero, Professor of Economics, former Minister of Labor – Collegio Carlo Alberto
Giovanna Paladino, Economist, Director of the Museum of Saving – Intesa Sanpaolo
Daniele Previati, Professor of Economics, President of Assonebb – UniRoma3
Moderated by Claudia Luise, from Stampa.
How to participate
The event will be held in person at the Museum of Saving.
Free participation. Entries are free while places last.