07 November

Wars and Money – high school event

Wars and Money


Financial education meets history

A series of events to understand finance through a look at history


On November 7, at 11.00 am, the Museum of Saving offers the online event “Wars and Money” to high schools.

Throughout history, money has acquired growing importance in the life of man and in the development of modern society and, even in the most dramatic moments, of wars and famines, it has played a decisive role.

The Crusades, for example, gave a great boost to economic recovery thanks to the central figure of the Knights Templar; the English treasury imposed a tax on windows to finance the wars against Louis XIV and Napoleon was also the head of a company of counterfeiters intent on destroying enemies through inflation.

But what do we know about the link between wars and money? History can teach us this.

We will find out with Alessandro Giraudo, economist and author, who will guide us on a journey through historical stories and show us how the economy depends, even in the digital and virtual era, on raw materials.



11.00 am – When iron cost more than gold

Alessandro Giraudo, Economist and author


11.45 am – From the Knights Templar to the birth of the first banking intermediation services

Giovanna Paladino, Director and curator of the Museum of Saving


12.00 Q&A and conclusions


How to participate

Free participation with mandatory registration by filling out the form bit.ly/EdufinEStoria_7nov by November 5th.


For further information, write to INFO@museodelrisparmio.it



You weren’t able to follow the event? SEE IT HERE