Since 2012, the Museum of Saving, a pioneering experience in financial education on the Italian and international scene, has been developing educational projects and awareness-raising activities aimed at bridging the still significant gaps in financial literacy in our country.
Confirming its now “phygital” approach, the Museum carried out training/educational initiatives and events both face-to-face and online, reaching a very large audience: over 47,000 people, of which around 39,000 students and 8,000 adults, with a total of over 1,100 interventions and 1,700 hours of training.
Dissemination activity intensified compared to the previous year, with 89 digital and/or face-to-face events (46 for adults and 43 for children) aimed at spreading basic financial culture through engaging formats inspired by edutainment.
Among the innovations, a strengthening of the international presence through the creation of FLITIN (Financial Literacy International Network). This new network of ambassadors of the Intesa Sanpaolo group aims to spread financial education in Italy, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Hungary. To consolidate collaborations with international partners and mark the 10th anniversary of the International Federation of Finance Museums (IFFM), in 2022 the Museum of Saving, together with the Bank of Italy, organized the international conference “Digitalization and Financial Awareness”.
Aware that financial education represents a fundamental tool for social inclusion, the commitment in favor of vulnerable groups was expanded. Around 1,000 users were reached, with 80 dedicated training sessions. The “Sky is no Limit” project falls within the same context. It is an experimental mentoring project reserved for 13–14-year-old students aimed at accompanying them on a path to greater awareness of their value and potential.
New contents, in support of the educational and dissemination activities, were also released. Two new tales from the “Arco&Iris” series and the podcast “Mica solo parole” were published. A new survey to explore how important the family is in influencing the approach to the use of money by the new generations was also introduced.
The development of new material, the involvement of families, the holistic approach to schools, the expansion of partnerships with third sector partners and the development of international collaboration have been the guidelines of the Museum in the past and will continue to keep it on course in the future.
Read the ACTIVITY REPORT to get all the details on the initiatives of the Museum of Saving.