04 December

Parents and children: use of money by the new generations – meeting with Moige


As part of the collaboration project between MOIGE and the Museum of Saving, on 4 December, at 6pm, the second online appointment of the series of meetings dedicated to parents How to help children act consciously.


How important is the family in the approach to the use of money by the new generations

What are the reference educational models for children and new generations when it comes to money management and savings? And how do these concepts transfer from one generation to another?

Intragenerational dynamics also matter when it comes to money management. An opportunity for adults and parents to reflect on how to address issues relating to personal money management with their children and the new generations.



Greetings and introduction to the meeting: Elisabetta Scala, Vice President of MOIGE – and Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving:

Parents and children: how important the family is in the approach to the use of money by the new generations – Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving: 

The parents’ point of view – Antonella Marchetti, Director of the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan:



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