01 November

- 04 November

Halloween at MoS: entrance free from 1st to 4th November

halloween al Museo


Discover the frighteningly fun side of economics at the Museum of Saving!


It’s almost Halloween and we know that there is something that scares us more than the unknown… the economy!

But don’t be afraid, the Museum of Saving is here to enlighten you and offer you an incredible learning experience!


From November 1st to 4th, we invite you to come to the Museum, where entry will be FREE for everyone: bring your friends and family for an encounter with ghosts, witches and vampires who wander the halls to take advantage of your difficulties in manage money!

Opening hours: 10:00 – 19:00


Dress up in a Halloween costume for an even more spookily fun experience! You could even win one of the Museum’s gadgets!


Start living your economic adventure, discover the secrets of saving and face your financial fears at the Museum of Saving!