On 5th October 2022 in Rome FLITIN – FINANCIAL LITERACY INTERNATIONAL NETWORK was officially established, a network of ambassadors of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group with the aim of spreading financial education in different countries: Italy, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Slovakia, Moldavia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Ukraine and Hungary.
A network made up of professionals in the banking sector, aspiring to share knowledge, skills, methodologies, tools, resources and experiences in the field of financial education, with one major goal: to increase the level of financial literacy of citizens, with high quality standards and according to the OECD guidelines.
FLITIN mission:
- Empower individuals to shape their financial destinies
- Provide the network Ambassadors with financial educations tools and opportunities for all ages
- Publicly display achievements with the aim of expanding the outreach of our activities
- Promote partnerships with stakeholders, working in different countries, for joint initiatives in their respective territories and communities to support the expansion of rigorous financial education
- Promote equitable and inclusive access to financial programs, resources, and opportunities in the different countries to increase the level of financial literacy of citizens, with high quality standards and according to the OECD guidelines.
Educate, Exchange, Support, Cooperate, Celebrate
We will:
- Increase the Group’s reputation in this sector
- Strengthen the effectiveness of our initiatives with the exchange of good practices, experiences and contents on financial education
- Measure the impact of our actions by monitoring the effectiveness of our activities with the aim of making relevant changes in our respective countries
- Pursue a clear educational approach avoiding any mixing with marketing activities
- Highlight the importance of financial education in our business model and corporate culture
- Create an open network where all network’s Ambassadors can contribute with new perspectives and expertise
- Provide visibility to our resources and ideas to promote enthusiasm for financial literacy through joint participation in calls for proposals, competitions and international initiatives
- Develop alliances with organizations that share our goals and values.
Creating a unique educational experience that looks beyond national borders to:
– broaden the outreach, increasing the geographical coverage and the number of people involved
– improve the effectiveness of each initiative, by sharing best practices
– measure the social impact of the activities carried out by the Network in all countries
The activities of the network
– Promoting partnerships with stakeholders working in different countries for joint initiatives in their respective territories and communities
– Exchanging good practices, experiences and contents on financial education
– Raising awareness among policy makers and institutions on the importance of financial education
– Promoting joint participation in calling for proposals, competitions and international initiatives
– Exploring and implementing innovative activities to boost financial literacy at a global level.
Periodic meetings
To ensure a smooth work process and constant communication among the members, the FINANCIAL LITERACY INTERNATIONAL NETWORK organizes two annual meetings to share projects and financial literacy status in the different countries.
The members of the network:
– Promoter: Museum of Saving
– Coordinator: International Subsidiary Banks Division – Change Management and Digital Transformation Office
– Participants:
- Alexbank (Egypt)
- Banca Intesa Beograd (Serbia)
- Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (Slovenia)
- CIB Bank (Hungary)
- Eximbank (Moldova)
- Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania
- Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Romania
- Intesa Sanpaolo Banka Bosna i Hercegovina
- Privredna Banka Zagreb (Croatia)
- VUB Banka (Slovakia)
Annual Report
Download the Annual Report 2023
Download the Annual Report 2024