As part of the collaboration project between MOIGE and the Museum of Saving, Thursday 11 April, 6 pm, the fifth and final online appointment of the series of meetings dedicated to parents. How to help kids act consciously.
A healthy self-esteem allows you to have confidence in your abilities and to face life’s challenges and difficulties with commitment and awareness of your own value.
This is why it is essential to stimulate their growth not only in adolescence but already as children.
Greetings and introduction
Elisabetta Scala, Vicepresident of MOIGE
Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving
How to increase kids’ self-esteem: some positive experiments
Michele Ferri, Coordinator Passo dopo Passo…Insieme services
Sara Catarinella, Moige Psychologist
Download the event poster.
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