01 May

International Festival of Economics 2024 – MoS school activities


On the occasion of the 2024 International Festival of Economics, the Museum of Saving has prepared an extensive program of in-person activities for SCHOOLS of all levels. They will be available only during the month of May, upon reservation: 


“Monetopoli” – Primary schools

Starting with some videos of the Museum of Saving on the topic of money, the students will face challenges, games and fun exercises to verify that they have understood the information received from the videos and tutors and are able to apply them practically, to acquire (or strengthen) the first knowledge and skills in the world of money.
Duration: 60 minutes


“Looking for the piggy bank” – Middle schools

After an introduction on the importance of understanding, selecting and using news correctly, in general as well as in the economic field, students will compete to identify a piggy bank (within the collection of the Museum of Saving) from various clues that they must recognize as true information or fake news.
Duration: 60 minutes


“Economy for all” – High schools

After reading an economic news item, students will test their ability to research, understand and transmit economic information and learn to correctly decode the vocabulary and language – sometimes very complex – used by the various financial media.
Duration: 60 minutes



Participation is free and booking is mandatory by sending an email to info@museodelrisparmio.it.
Registrations will be accepted in chronological order of arrival and until places are filled, until 30 April 2024.

The activities will take place at the Museum of Saving, in via San Francesco d’Assisi 8/A in Turin.