12 June

How to defend yourself from economic violence and domestic violence


An in-person event will be held on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at 3 pm at the Museum of Saving dedicated to all those who wish to learn about local services to prevent and stem domestic and economic violence, as well as to businessmen, and to those who work at anti-violence centers and social workers

It is promoted by the working group “Discriminations? No thank you!” within the Committee for Female Entrepreneurship of the Turin Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Museum of Saving, Ascom, Federalberghi, Municipality of Turin, Women in Tourism, Regional Women’s Council and the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Bar Association.

Event program “How to defend yourself from economic violence and domestic violence”

Institutional greetings:
Giovanna Paladino –Director of the Museum of Saving
Brigitte Sardo – President of the Turin Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee
Guido Bolatto – General Secretary of the Turin Chamber of Commerce
Maria Grazia Grippo – President of the municipal council
Fabio Borio – President of Federalberghi of Turin

• Ornella Toselli, President of the Regional Women’s Council, “Invisible control: economic violence and psychological violence
• Loredana BorinatoChief Inspector, Municipal Police of Turin, “Who listens to me if I report?    
• Letizia Maria Ferraris, CPO member of the Bar Association, “Family and work: when economic difference becomes violence. Maltreatment conduct and criminally relevant profiles” 
• Caterina Fioritti, Cif member for Ascom, and vice president of Federalberghi Torino, “Hotel hospitality project to prevent and stem gender violence
• Luisella Morandi, Regional Governor Women in tourism, “A room of one’s own
• Giovanna Giovannelli, Professional Advanced Counselor, “Counseling, a help, support and prevention intervention against domestic violence: from the loss of freedom and dignity, to self-esteem and self-realization.

For more information and contacts:
Committee for female entrepreneurship: Tel. 011 5716353 email: comitatoimprenditoriafemminile@to.camcom.it


Registration required by writing to info@museodelrisparmio.it.