11 April

Salone del Risparmio: “The difficult balance between infodemic and disinformation” – Face to face event for HIGH SCHOOLS

As part of the 2024 Salone del Risparmioon Thursday 11 April, at 9 am, the Museum of Saving and the Foundation for Financial and Savings Education are offering high schools the workshop “The difficult balance between infodemic and disinformation”.



Salone del Risparmio
Milan, April 11 2024
9.00 – 10.00 am

At Allianz MICO, Via Gattamelata


In the information society, with the spread of communication via the web and social media, people are constantly barraged by news and from the most disparate sources. Knowing how to understand and use it correctly has become one of the fundamental skills of a good citizen, which allows you to make rational and informed decisions.
If you then consider the issue from an economic point of view, knowing how to distinguish true news from fake ones is essential to protect yourself in spending decisions, and therefore to be able to manage money in a truly conscious manner.

The goal of the laboratory is precisely to teach how to critically evaluate information and understand the risks that arise from making decisions based on inaccurate information.


The activity will be as follows:

Introduction to the concepts of information asymmetry and infodemic, which represent the starting point of the workshop.

The “fake news”
After introducing the notion of fake news, three pieces of generic information are shown, and participants are asked to express an opinion on their veracity. Then the characteristics of the three news and fake news are examined in a plenary session, highlighting the aspects that distinguish them from correct information and the ways to identify them. In this regard, a video is shown that clarifies the importance of citing sources and their authority, and some indications are provided to learn how to recognize or discover their reliability.

Understanding the information
The next step in evaluating news is its understanding: with this in mind, participants are offered two challenges to learn to carefully read economic and mathematical information in order to learn the key concepts.

Critical examination of news
Having acquired all the elements to operate independently, the participants examine two newspaper articles and a video debate to directly experience what they learned in the laboratory, in order to identify (with the support of a worksheet) the elements to consider in evaluating the truthfulness of economic-financial news.

The debriefing lists the main errors that can be made when evaluating information, and provides advice to guide important decisions that have an economic component.


The total duration of the activity is approximately 60 minutes.

CLICK HERE to download the program.


How to participate

To register, simply fill out the registration form by CLICKING HERE.
Participation is free and registrations will be accepted while seats last.