06 March

Female economic independence via cinema

For Women’s Day, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the Nazional Museum of Cinema, proposes the event “Female economic independence via cinema” on Wednesday 6 March, at 6 pm, dedicated to adults, in particular women.

Female economic independence via cinema


“You could make a case that, along with the technological revolution, the most provocative upending destabilizing thrilling change in the course of human history is that we’re finally in it. … We’re here now, women are in the world, and we will not be bullied.” 
Meryl Streep


Through cinematographic films, whether it is a romance, a comedy or an animated film, the seventh art is capable of telling us a lot about what happens in society: habits and customs, language, aesthetic canons, communication style.

The female image and its evolution are also well demonstrated in cinema through the characters of famous films: from “Gone with the Wind” to “Pretty Woman”, from “Thelma and Louise” to “The Devil Wears Prada” great actresses give life to various female figures who represent the degree of emancipation of women through the ages, both from the point of view of roles and from that of customs. Cinema is the mirror of society.

Thanks to Grazia Paganelli, National Museum of Cinema, who will take us on a journey through time to analyze the evolution of the female figure through some films.


How to participate

The event will be held in person at the Museum of Savings and online.

Free participation; it is recommended to confirm your presence via bit.ly/Evento6marzo.

To access the online event CLICK HERE on the day and time of the event.


You weren’t able to follow the event? SEE IT HERE