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In compliance with the Decree of November 3rd, 2020, regarding new measures for the containment of Covid19, the Museum of Saving will be closed until December 3rd, 2020. Our activities will take place online. Browse regularly our website and our social media accounts to get updates!

MoS will be closed until December 3rd, 2020

Financial Education and Risk Literacy
This online international seminar will represent the occasion for the presentation of the book published by Elgar entitled “ Financial Education and Risk Literacy ” forming part of BEFAIRLY- Behavioural Financial Regulation and Policy Series- an initiative started in 2017 by Herbert Simon Society in collaboration with the Bank of ...


Sustainable Development Festival 2020
The Sustainable Development Festival 2020 is a national awareness-raising campaign launched by ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) to promote and spread a culture of sustainability. It will be held across Italy from 22 September to 8 October 2020, involving citizens, young people, companies, associations and institutions. In this framework, ...

Sustainable Development Festival 2020

NEXT-LAND project news
From September 14 to October 9 we will host 17 middle school classes in the framework of the NEXT-LAND project, of which the Museum is a partner. NEXT-LAND is a two-year training focused on STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) aimed at middle school students coming from the Turin ...

NEXT-LAND project: ready to go!

copertina news sito novità del museo del risparmio
Saturday 5 – Saturday 12 – Saturday 19 September 10:00 – 18:00 Come and discover the novelties of our Museum! Coming back from the summer holidays, the Museum of Saving is waiting for you with lots of news! The brand-new app “The Mica’s treasure” will allow you to explore our ...

Come and discover the novelties of our Museum

cover sito LEGONOMIA
Financial education? Let’s learn with LEGO! Kick off of the new project promoted by the Museum of Saving and Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio (FEduF) together with Luciano Canova, economist, university professor and Lego Serious Play certified trainer. The LEGONOMIA project makes use of LEGO as an educational ...

LEGONOMIA – Let’s learn with LEGO!

copertina news sito estate ragazzi 2020 al Museo del Risparmio
THE MUSEUM OF SAVING OPEN ITS DOORS TO “ESTATE RAGAZZI” In the months of July and August the Museum of Saving is ready to welcome small groups of children and teenagers, in the morning and in the afternoon, with a variety of recreational activities such as guided tours, teaching labs ...

Estate Ragazzi 2020

copertina news sito prometto di prendermi cura di me
June 24 Webinar I PROMISE TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF I PROMISE TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF… A project dedicated to women determined to live life in full awareness of their abilities. For the first time, young and old generations of women have the possibility to experiment in a simple and ...

I promise to take care of myself

Are you a middle school teacher? Take on the challenge and enroll your class in the new digital QUIZ dedicated to the history of money! AES QUIZ (AES is the Latin word for “money”) is a funny Edu-quiz to make students discover the history of money from barter to the ...

AES QUIZ, the quiz on the history of MONEY

A film is the right choice to have fun and… learn the ABC of finance! LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! is a free two-module webinar for high school students, dedicated to the encounter between financial education and cinema: starting from the multimedia contents of the Museum of Saving, students will understand the ...


copertina news arte del risparmio 2019
  To mark World Savings Day on 31 October 2018, the Museum of Saving in Turin, in collaboration with the Gallerie d’Italia and the Intesa Sanpaolo Group (through the Banca dei Territori, Historic Archives and foreign banks), will host the third edition of The Art of Saving. From 24 to 31 ...

The Art of Saving 2018

What’s the importance of FINANCIAL EDUCATION initiatives? On the occasion of the 5th International Federation of Finance Museums (IFFM) Annual Meeting, FLIP – Erste Financial Life Park and ERSTE Foundation are co-hosting the Financial Education Summit, which will take place at the Erste Campus in Vienna from 5th – 6th October ...

Financial Education Summit at the 5th IFFM Annual Meeting

Bank of Italy, Consob, COVIP, IVASS, the Museum of Saving (Museo del Risparmio), the Foundation for Financial Education and Saving (Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio) and the Rosselli Foundation (Fondazione Rosselli), acting in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, present ...

Financial Education Initiatives in Italy from 2012-14

From November 30th to December 2nd the Museum of Saving will host the second edition of the Festival “Il mio posto nel mondo” devoted to human capital. Three days of events, conferences and meetings for students of all levels, dedicated to the importance of investing in human capital for individual ...

Festival “Il mio posto nel mondo 2”

The Museum of Saving will partecipate in Payvolution – Salone dei Pagamenti (November 9-11th 2016) with the role-play “No cash world” for high school students. A reduction in the use of cash vis-à-vis an increase in the use of electronic currency are useful tools for avoiding anti-tax evasion and money ...

Payvolution – Salone dei Pagamenti

The Museum of Saving is partner of MOVEMENT Torino Music Festival, the international electronic music festival which will be held in Turin from the 25th of October till the 1st of November. MOVEMENT will host the performance of the best international DJs and electronic music artists (Sven Vath, Ben Klock, ...

MOVEMENT Torino Music Festival

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As part of the Food Festival – Salone del Gusto (September 22-26th 2016) the Savings Museum hosted the following initiatives: • on Thursday, September 22nd from 10 to 12 pm the interactive Conference “Think, Eat, Save” on sustainable economic topics for middle school students, in collaboration with Barilla Center ...

Turin Food Festival

Join us at the Turin Savings Museum on September 15th, 21st and 30th  and October 12th, 19th, and 27th  for the new edition of “Risk? It ‘a women’s job! “ The workshop aims to make women reflect on their thirst for risk, fostering a greater interest in financial matters and ...

Risk? It’s a women’s job

On July 7th, the Museum of Saving hosted a delegation of the International Committee for Money and Banking Museums (ICOMON), an organization for numismatic museums and financial/economics institutions. The meeting took place as part of the 24th General Conference of ICOM, the International Museums Council, held in Milan July 3rd-9th, in attendance ...

ICOMON visit

As part of 2016 Turin’s Summer Camp (Estate Ragazzi), the Turin Savings Museum opened its doors to children (ages 6-11), offering two 1.5 hours long educational workshops to introduce them to the basic concepts of economy and finance. 1) A SPASSO NEI TEMPI (A WALK THROUGH TIME), to understand price ...

Estate Ragazzi 2016

From the 2nd to the 8th of May 2016 the Creative Culture Festival promoted by the Italian Banking Association will be held in the main Italian cities, offering several cultural initiatives for children and youngsters. On the occasion, the Savings Museum of Turin, in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo and Fondazione ...

Creative Culture Festival

The Museum of Saving participated in the 2016 Turin International Book Fair with two different initiatives with a common aim: bringing the audience closer to financial education in an entertaining and soft way. On May 12th, in partnership with Bocconi’s publishing house, Egea, the Museum organized the presentation of the new book of ...

Turin International Book Fair

From April 18 to 22 the ‘Economic Citizenship Week’ will be hosted in Turin. The initiative is promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo and the Savings Museum, in cooperation with Fondazione per l’Educazione finanziaria e al Risparmio (FEDUF), and it is targeted to high school students. Financial experts of the bank will ...

Economic Citizenship Week