24 September

- 30 August

Sustainable Development Festival 2020

The Sustainable Development Festival 2020 is a national awareness-raising campaign launched by ASVIS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) to promote and spread a culture of sustainability. It will be held across Italy from 22 September to 8 October 2020, involving citizens, young people, companies, associations and institutions.

In this framework, the Museum of Saving will organize some events to raise awareness on circular economy and “zero-waste” attitude, both for schools and for citizens

Thursday 24 September at 6 p.m.

Sustainable Development Festival 2020

Antonio Massarutto, Associate professor of Applied economics (University of Udine) and researcher at Bocconi University, will present his last book “A world without waste? Trip in circular economy” and will explain how circular economy can be transformed in a big development opportunity for Italy.

To join the event please CLICK HERE on the date and time indicated above. The event will be live streamed on the Webex platform. To ask for further information and to receive a reminder, please send an email to info@museodelrisparmio.it



Friday 25 September


Teaching lab for primary schools

An obstacle course where you can test your knowledge on sustainability, regarding the environment, natural resources and food. (Duration 1 hour)


Monday 28 September

Champions FOR the world

Quiz-game for middle schools

The quiz-game is a simulation of a football match, where the teams must correctly answer a set of questions about Sustainable Development Goals.  (Duration 1 hour)


Wednesday 30 September

Circular Challenge

Teaching lab for high schools

Students will be invited to engage in a role play where they will step into the shoes of some Government representatives who will have to decide which SDGs to implement as a priority. They will then play a team game to learn more about the best practices that can be adopted to improve sustainability. (Duration 2 hours)


Free entry. Reservation required by sending an email to info@museodelrisparmio.it


tag: Sustainable Development Festival 2020