20 October


Financial education and risk literacy

This online international seminar will represent the occasion for the presentation of the book published by Elgar entitled “ Financial Education and Risk Literacy ” forming part of BEFAIRLY- Behavioural Financial Regulation and Policy Series- an initiative started in 2017 by Herbert Simon Society in collaboration with the Bank of Italy and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

This innovative book explores the relationship between financial literacy, financial education and regulation, and risk literacy providing a broad range of different perspectives.

The seminar will debate on the social and cultural determinants of financial education, the role of the banking system in promoting financial literacy, how governments and regulatory authorities are dealing with financial education programmes in schools, the role of technology, and the effect of financial literacy and risk perception on investment choices.

The seminar will include the interventions of international experts as keynote speakers such as Prof. Hersh Shefrin (University of Santa Clara) and Ralph Hertwig (Max Planck Institute).

A discussion will follow on the characteristics of behaviours that might affect the policy maker’s mix of financial education, choice architecture, and regulation as tools to help consumer financial behavior. Finally, conclusions will be provided by Prof. Elsa Fornero (University of Turin).


Registration is mandatory by writing to INFO@museodelrisparmio.it

Download here the program of the event.


The seminar is organized by the Museum of Saving and Herbert Simon Society on the occasion of the Financial Education Month.


tag: Financial Education and Risk Literacy