June 24
A project dedicated to women determined to live life in full awareness of their abilities.
For the first time, young and old generations of women have the possibility to experiment in a simple and funny way their skills in planning and managing the family budget and also learn how to take care of their finances, including wedding expenses.
As we know – and it will be demonstrated with fact and figures – one of the main forms of violence against women is economic control. Often, not always, it is also the step before the psychological coercion that, just as often, leads to physical violence. Over 50% of Italian women between 16 and 64 have no job, and in some cases, they don’t even look for it. This means that they are economically dependent on others even for small daily expenses.
After the lockdown, in a moment of great precariousness especially for women, forced to the home dimension to take care of children because of school closures, we believe it is important that they receive a message of solidarity and help on this front too.
Despite the great commitment of our mothers and grandmothers to liberate women from patriarchy, the new generations too often return to delegate money management to men (father, husband or partner), sometimes letting them manage even their own earnings.
Therefore, this initiative aims at raising awareness of this situation, so that women can avoid falling into the traps that sometimes they themselves put in their way.
The webinar will open with a presentation of relevant data which show the importance of financial education to ensure economic independence for every woman; then, a short training carried out by the Museum of Saving will clarify some basic concepts of family budget management. Afterwards, a quiz will allow the participants to verify their comprehension of the various topics. The seminar will end with a Q&A session.
How to attend the webinar I PROMISE TO TAKE CARE OF ME
To join the meeting CLICK HERE on the date and time indicated. The event will be live streamed on the Webex platform.
To ask for further information and to receive a reminder, please send an email to info@museodelrisparmio.it.
At the end, you can download the free booklet I PROMISE TO PLAN, a short vademecum providing guidance on the financial planning basics.
2.00-2.10 pm: intro by Fabiana Giacomotti, adjunct professor, Sapienza University of Rome
2.10-2.20 pm: presentation by Giovanna Paladino, director and curator, Museum of Saving
2.20-2.35 pm: presentation by Elvira Marasco, Co-head Delegation, Women20 Italy G20, and Antonio Riva, fashion designer
2.35-2.55 pm: training carried out by the Museum of Saving
2.55-3.05 pm: final quiz
3.05-3.25 pm: Q&A
We want to talk to you about money. Yes, an uncomfortable topic. We want to talk to you about the freedom and independence given by the ability to manage your home and family expenses and to get your money’s worth.
Send us a picture of yourself with a very short thought: we will post them on our social networks and on ITALO magazine.
On June 24, from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm, we will meet for a webinar to reflect on the importance of economic independence and to experiment in a funny way our ability in planning and managing a personal/family budget (including wedding). We will have many guests, but you are going to be the protagonist, with your questions and your comments. You can download our booklet “I promise to plan”, print it and use it every day.
Don’t say that money is a man thing anymore. Promise yourself.
The picture, preferably half-length and accompanied by the thought and the privacy form, must be sent by June 26 to info@museodelrisparmio.it.
tag: #i’lltakecareofmyself