Risultato per: feduf

  The opportunities and dangers of the digital society Downloading and opening an attachment, clicking a link received via chat: banal actions that are often just the beginning of a real online scam. We surf the Internet every day to make online purchases, use banking apps, access social media, write ...

What to do to avoid online scams?

The Museum of Saving, the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings and Triulza Foundation, as part of the activities of the “Permanent Committee for Financial Education and Social Inclusion” of the Social Innovation Academy of MIND – Milan Innovation District, are organizing the webinar “The importance of thinking about the future: pension system and ...

The importance of thinking about the future: the pension and social security system

  “November 25th shouldn’t exist. In the 21st century the practice – supported by a certain culture – of physically or psychologically abusing someone just because they are weaker should be completely removed from the acceptable habits of an evolved and civilized society. Instead, every year, we are here to ...

No More Victims, a self-awareness and support path towards November 25th

  On the occasion of its first 10 years, on May 12, 6:30 pm, the Museum of Saving hosts the educational show “Neuromagic: when magic reveals our relationship with money“, in collaboration with FEduF, which features a young magician and a psychologist engaged in exploring the mechanisms of cognitive and ...

Neuromagic: when magic reveals our relationship with money

10 anni di MdR copertina news sito
  May 2012 – May 2022 The Museum of Saving celebrates its first 10 years! The Museum of Saving celebrates its first 10 years of activity from May 9 to 15 with free access to the exhibition spaces and a series of original initiatives for young people and adults, which ...

10 years of MdR

Global Money Week 2022 copertina news sito
A week of events for schools and a conference at the Museum of Saving. From March 21 to 30, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the subsidiary banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, offers a full calendar of events and initiatives as part of the Global Money Week. The ...

MoS events for Global Money Week 2022

October 18, 2021 10:00 am – 11:30 am On the occasion of the Financial Education Month, the Digital Live Talk CHAMPIONS OF SAVING by Taxi 1729 on the subject of behavioral economics and decision-making mechanisms, which brings Financial Education closer the world of Sport. The event, aimed at secondary school ...

Champions of Saving – Financial Education and Sport

March 8, 2021, 10.00 am – 11.00 am On the occasion of Women’s Day, the Museum of Saving and the Foundation for Financial and Saving Education (FEduF) are promoting the online event “Down with stereotypes!“, dedicated to the fourth and fifth grade classes of elementary schools and the first grade ...

Down with stereotypes!

cover sito LEGONOMIA
Financial education? Let’s learn with LEGO! Kick off of the new project promoted by the Museum of Saving and Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio (FEduF) together with Luciano Canova, economist, university professor and Lego Serious Play certified trainer. The LEGONOMIA project makes use of LEGO as an educational ...

LEGONOMIA – Let’s learn with LEGO!

Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte Banca d’Italia Child & Youth Finance International Chinese Museum of Finance Financial entertainment Geldmuseum La Cité de l’Économie et de la Monnaie Museo Interactivo de Economia Fondazione per l’Educazione Finanziaria e al Risparmio The Economist Educational Foundation The Museum of American Finance


From April 18 to 22 the ‘Economic Citizenship Week’ will be hosted in Turin. The initiative is promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo and the Savings Museum, in cooperation with Fondazione per l’Educazione finanziaria e al Risparmio (FEDUF), and it is targeted to high school students. Financial experts of the bank will ...

Economic Citizenship Week