focus en

  This analysis is based on data collected through a sample survey conducted in mid-October 2024, involving 3,868 participants representative of the Italian population aged between 18 and 74. The aim of the research is to explore how optimism (or hope), happiness and planning skills influence serenity when dealing with ...

Optimism is the spice of life – SURVEY

  A financial education project for migrants The financial education of migrants is a fundamental issue to promote their economic integration. Most of the initiatives already launched in this sense, developed starting from the analysis of the remittances phenomenon, have revealed a very basic level of financial education. Migrants appear ...

Welcome-ED, financial education for migrants

  Why a new mentoring project? Numerous recent analyses show how access to education represents one of the main factors of social inequality, an aspect which more than others tend to make the starting socio-economic condition hereditary. Italy is one of the European countries where social disparities remain wide and ...

Experimental project SKY IS NO LIMIT

  “November 25th shouldn’t exist. In the 21st century the practice – supported by a certain culture – of physically or psychologically abusing someone just because they are weaker should be completely removed from the acceptable habits of an evolved and civilized society. Instead, every year, we are here to ...

No More Victims, a self-awareness and support path towards November 25th

  The Museum of Saving has developed and promoted a survey among the target population of 18-74 year olds to verify the existence and effects of possible distortions in the measurement of the level of financial education of Italians. In particular, it was intended to evaluate whether the questions formulated in a ...

Measuring financial education – SURVEY

The “S.A.V.E. – 2021 Virtual Tour” project, developed by the Museum of Saving in collaboration with the EIB Institute, aims to make thematic itineraries, interactive games and APPs, dedicated to financial education, environmental sustainability and the circular economy, available online to educational institutions. The initiative is addressed to all Italian ...

SAVE 2021 Virtual Tour

The research Tolerance and Reaction Capacity in times of pandemic conducted by the Intesa Sanpaolo Museum of Saving and Episteme measures – for the first time – the synthetic indices relating to the country’s ability to tolerate and react six months after the outbreak of the pandemic of COVID-19. The research analyzed the attitudes ...

Tolerance and Reaction capacity in times of pandemic

The second edition of the SAVE tour, which took place between October 2019 and February 2020, brought the Museum of Saving around Italy once again, with the aim of raising awareness of the younger generations on the importance of conscious management of money and natural resources. S.A.V.E. (Sustainability, Action, Voyage, ...

SAVE Tour: 2nd edition results

The impact of the spread of digital tools and services on the conscious management of money by Italians The Museum of Saving has carried out, in collaboration with Episteme, and with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo, a survey aimed at exploring the existing relationship between digitalization and financial awareness. The ...

New survey “Digitalization and Financial Awareness”

Developing effective financial education programmes requires a mixture of skills: thorough knowledge of economics and finance, ability to communicate in an easy and engaging manner and a command of the most advanced teaching methods. Conceived as a unique education entertainment place where technology and interactivity are used to surprise and ...

Edutainment at the service of financial literacy

The Museum of Saving has carried out, in collaboration with Episteme, and with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo, an original research aimed at exploring and measuring the degree of awareness and control of Italian women in money management. For this purpose, 1030 interviews were conducted with a representative sample of ...

SURVEY “Women and saving management”

Physics, Statistics, Mathematics, Informatics, Chemistry, Ancient languages and Astronomy are just some of the areas in which they excel. The “Fuoriclasse della Scuola”, 45 students of the last three years of secondary school, winners of competitions organized annually by the Ministry of Education and Research, were involved in a new ...

I Fuoriclasse della Scuola

In September and October the Museum of Saving devoted considerable time to the subject of women saving. September 15th, 21st and 30th and October 12th, 19th, and 27th were the six dates for the new edition of “Risk? It‘s a woman’s job! “ Several researches show that women have a ...

Gender Gap in Finance? “Risk? It‘s a woman’s job!”