18 May

Educational models and cultural legacies in the transmission of financial culture to youngsters

cultura finanziaria


What are the educational reference models for youngsters and for the new generations when it comes to money management and savings?

And how are these concepts transferred from one generation to the next?


For the Salone del Risparmio, as part of the thematic area dedicated to education and training, the Museum of Saving and Feduf – Foundation for Financial Education and Savings – are organizing a conference dedicated to studying in greater depth the theme of financial education within families, from an innovative point of view: the socio-cultural influence of the family and the transmission of behaviors.

A moment of in-depth analysis for financial operators and for those involved in financial education, as well as for all those who are interested in learning more about the intragenerational dynamics of money management.

An opportunity for adults to reflect on how to deal with personal money management issues with their children and the new generations.


Conference program

11.00 am: Greetings and introduction

Giovanna Boggio Robutti, General Director of the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings

Giovanna Paladino, Director and curator of the Museum of Saving


11.10: Parents and children: how important is the family in the new generations’ approach to the use of money

Giovanna Paladino, Director and curator of the Museum of Saving


11.30 am: Financial education: the parents’ point of view

Antonella Marchetti, Full Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan


11.50 am: Q&A and conclusion of the meeting


 It is possible to register for the conference by CLICKING HERE, selecting the day 18 May and scrolling to the time of the event (it will then be necessary to register on the Salone del Risparmio website).