21 March

- 30 March

MoS events for Global Money Week 2022

A week of events for schools and a conference at the Museum of Saving.

From March 21 to 30, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the subsidiary banks of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, offers a full calendar of events and initiatives as part of the Global Money Week.

The 2022 edition, the tenth, is dedicated to young people from preschool age to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to make financial decisions consistent with their needs and possibilities. 

The theme of this year’s edition, “Build your future, be smart about money“, wants to underline the connection between the ability to manage one’s finances and that of planning future choices according to our life goals.


Schools Events

The Museum of Saving opens the week (March 21, 11.00 am) with the online workshop “LEGONOMIA – Economy explained with bricks“, in collaboration with FEdUF and Luciano Canova, economist, academic teacher and Lego Serious Play trainer. 

For high schools (March 22, 11.00 am), “EduFin Train-the-Trainer“, a “training of trainers” webinar designed in particular to allow students attending Economic and Social High Schools to propose simple financial education activities to primary and middle school students.

“A spasso per il mondo con Arco e Iris” (March 23, 9.00 am) will instead be dedicated to primary school students, to raise awareness of the meaning of saving and the importance of being economically independent. The event starts from the fable of the Museum of Saving “Arco & Iris in South America“, translated for the occasion into 17 European foreign languages ​​(French, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Serbian, Moldovan, Bosnian, Croatian, Ukrainian, Romanian , Arabic, Slovenian, Albanian, Slovakian, Greek, Polish), thanks to the collaboration of the Intesa Sanpaolo International Subsidiary Banks Division. “Arco and Iris in South America” ​​will be a new “multilingual” tool that the Museum of Saving and Subsidiary Banks will make available to parents to introduce the topic of economic independence and to teach children that a balanced relationship with money is the right path to achieve their dreams. 

The Digital Live Talk “MASKED NUMBERS: when numbers tell us about the world” (March 25) is dedicated to high schools, with the contribution of Taxi1729 disseminators. The talk pays a special attention to the importance of learning how to read data and select the correct information to protect oneself in consumer decisions and personal finance management. 

Registration required by writing to prenotazionimdr@civita.art


Adults Events

For adults, especially teachers, educators and financial education operators: “How important is the way the question is asked? Framing effect: how language can affect learning and evaluation methods “(March 30, 4.00 pm), webinar dedicated to the presentation of a sample survey and a working paper by Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving. 

Registration required by writing to info@museodelrisparmio.it


tag: Global Money Week 2022