This analysis is based on data collected through a sample survey conducted in mid-October 2024, involving 3,868 participants representative of the Italian population aged between 18 and 74. The aim of the research is to explore how optimism (or hope), happiness and planning skills influence serenity when dealing with personal economic issues.
These factors are closely interconnected and influence each other. Hope translates into an optimistic view of the future and confidence in the ability to achieve goals, which are key elements for maintaining motivation and psychological well-being. Optimistic individuals tend to be more resilient to difficulties, including economic ones. Happiness, understood as a state of general well-being and satisfaction, can strengthen this hope: happy people see the future in a more positive way. This “mental” state helps to better manage stress and daily challenges, including financial ones.
The underlying hypothesis that we intend to verify is how serenity in dealing with personal economic issues depends on the balance between hope/optimism, happiness and planning. Optimistic individuals, even if they start from non-ideal economic conditions, are more inclined to effectively plan their future. This approach reduces uncertainty and anxiety, promoting greater serenity. Happiness, on the other hand, is often linked to a perception of financial security and the achievement of personal goals, generating a virtuous circle.
In summary, hope/optimism and happiness represent a source of motivation and resilience that facilitates effective planning. This improves the management of personal finances, reducing economic anxiety and allowing individuals to face financial challenges with greater confidence and tranquility. This balance contributes to improving overall well-being.
It should be emphasized that the data collected in this preliminary survey allow us to identify only correlations between the variables analyzed, without highlighting causal links, which will be the subject of a future econometric analysis. However, the study offers a complete overview of the state of mind of the Italian population in the post-pandemic period and allows us to draw some interesting conclusions.
DOWNLOAD HERE the results of the survey.