The second edition of the SAVE tour, which took place between October 2019 and February 2020, brought the Museum of Saving around Italy once again, with the aim of raising awareness of the younger generations on the importance of conscious management of money and natural resources.
S.A.V.E. (Sustainability, Action, Voyage, Experience), promoted by the Museum of Saving in collaboration with Italscania and the EIB Institute, is a project providing courses and teaching labs dedicated to financial education and environmental sustainability, intended for schools of all types and levels. The protagonist of the initiative was the Discovery Truck, a truck specially set up with the multimedia contents of the Museum of Saving.
In the second year, the initiative counted on the support of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, that signed a memorandum of understanding with the Museum of Saving and therefore actively involved the Regional School Offices and promoted the project with teachers and school principals. Furthermore, Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria, as well as many of the Municipalities reached by the tour, have granted their patronage.
To the package of activities already proposed in the first edition, consisting of three multimedia financial education courses and two laboratories on environmental sustainability, two games for families have been added, designed with the aim of raising citizens’ awareness of proper waste disposal and the importance that plants have for the planet and the economy.
Another innovation has been the creation of the “S.A.V.E. Forest“: each class that took part in the project was awarded with a cocoa tree in Cameroon. The plantation, which now consists of 250 trees, allows a partial compensation of the CO2 emissions produced by the truck and will generate a source of income for local farmers. Students can follow the birth and growth of “their” plant, also giving it a name, as well as know the history of the other plants in the forest.
During the first year, the Discovery Truck started from Milan and traveled to central and southern Italy, reaching 8 regions and 22 cities, and involving around 10,000 students and teachers.
The second edition kicked off in Turin and followed a path in 15 stages (the further seven were suspended due to the health emergency) which ran through Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria. Before landing on the islands, the Truck was hosted for three days in Genoa, in the framework of the Science Festival.
A total of 87 primary, middle, high schools and CPIAs (Centers for Adult Education) were involved in the 15 cities, with the participation of over 5,000 students and teachers.
All the teachers who enrolled their classes were offered the possibility of accessing a reserved area on the website of the Museum of Saving, where they can find project’s teaching contents, to be proposed again at school.
A satisfaction survey was administered to the teachers who took part in the tour with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of the initiative, and specifically the adequacy of teaching methodology, contents and language. A positive or very positive evaluation was given to all aspects considered.
Given the success so far, a third edition is expected to be launched in autumn 2020. In consideration of the health emergency, it will take the form of a virtual tour, with the possibility for the classes to carry out online activities. New playful and interactive teaching contents, focused on sustainability, will go alongside the videos and games already proposed in the previous editions.
Watch the video of the second edition
tag: Save tour