Welcome-ED, financial education for migrants


A financial education project for migrants

The financial education of migrants is a fundamental issue to promote their economic integration.

Most of the initiatives already launched in this sense, developed starting from the analysis of the remittances phenomenon, have revealed a very basic level of financial education. Migrants appear to be practically devoid not only of basic economic notions, but also of linguistic and, often, scholastic knowledge.

Starting from this observation, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the University of Turin, has established a financial education path for adult migrants, designed with the aim of disseminating basic economic knowledge and skills with a view to encouraging the social inclusion of the participants.


Three modules

The course includes three training sessions, lasting approximately 2 hours each, carried out using not face-to-face interactive teaching methods.

  1. Learning to PLAN: basic level intended for migrants with less knowledge and skills, both economic and linguistic. The general concepts of the importance of saving and planning are addressed, associated with a guided exercise in compiling a personal budget.
  1. Banks, loans and investments. A slightly more advanced level intended for migrants with greater knowledge and skills. The topics of credit institutions and means of payment, personal loans and mortgages, interest-bearing savings and the characteristics of the most widespread financial instruments are covered.
  2. Becoming Entrepreneurs: the path, carried out in an interactive way and with the help of videos, exercises and team games, will be focused on the following themes:
    • The importance of planning and investing in yourself
    • The main aspects that characterize the figure of the entrepreneur
    • Sharing stories of migrants who have successfully started their own entrepreneurial activity in Italy
    • Individual exercises to bring out the entrepreneurial aptitudes of the participants.

Finally, the development, promotion and marketing of an idea will be simulated in an exciting team game, with the aim of enhancing creative qualities, spirit of initiative and “managerial” skills for a business.

The University of Turin participated in the project by monitoring the effectiveness of the initiative through the preparation of specific pre- and post-treatment questionnaires.

The modules are also provided through the CPIA network (Provincial Centers for Adult Education), with which the Museum of Saving signed a collaboration protocol in 2017.

Participation is totally free and the purpose is purely educational. Participants are required to have a sufficient understanding of the Italian language to allow interaction.

The modules can be activated upon request of associations, CPIA by writing to  prenotazionimdr@civita.art.


Any associations interested in the initiative can contact the email address info@museodelrisparmio.it.