Financial independence is a challenge for women
Achieving economic independence is among the main goals in the life of every individual, regardless of their gender. However, it is particularly relevant for women, for whom there are still many challenges to face in achieving economic autonomy.
But what does it mean to be financially independent? First of all, have your own source of income: briefly, have a job and your own bank account from which you can draw freely at every moment of your life. It seems simple and obvious but for many women this is not the case. In fact, today over 50% of Italian women between 16 and 64 do not have a job, and in some cases do not even look for one, therefore depending on their partners or their family.
The reasons that keep women away from financial emancipation and, before that, from cultivating an interest in economic issues, are to be found above all in the cultural stereotypes that still survive in our society.
One of the challenges to be faced in achieving economic independence concerns gender inequality.
Overcoming stereotypes: the first step towards economic independence
According to the survey “Women and savings management”, carried out by the Museum of Saving (with Episteme), 60% of women voluntarily delegate economic management to their partner and 40% manage only daily expenses alone.
There is still a widespread belief that it is the man who should deal with economic issues and that it is up to him, consequently, to increase his financial knowledge. Women, on the other hand, manage daily and family matters and show little interest in possessing financial knowledge, even basic ones. And most people find this division of tasks to be balanced.
However, this division is problematic from many points of view because in addition to relegating women to certain tasks, it threatens the perception of their value and their ability to manage money independently. Furthermore, failure to build one’s financial independence also means exposing oneself to the risk of economic violence.
In addition to freedom, economic independence also gives greater security: being able to earn, save and invest helps you have greater control over your future and greater awareness of yourself and your value.
Financial education as a definitive solution
Educating women, from an early age, to understand financial issues means providing useful tools for building their own economic autonomy. Acting on education and training is important to dismantle stereotypes and bad cultural habits and thus create the conditions so that women can access all the professional sectors they aspire to, including those monopolized by men.
Precisely for this reason, among the educational activities proposed by the Museum of Saving, in recent years there have been many initiatives, meetings and digital talks on financial education, and female economic independence The commitment is to bring girls, professionals and mothers closer to topics that may seem complex such as economics and finance, making them familiar and within everyone’s reach.
An example of this is the pamphlet NOT ONLY HAIR, available on our website, which thanks to a familiar language and context, helps women to appreciate the good things that come from taking care of money.
Providing practical tools and basic financial knowledge is in fact the definitive solution to guarantee all women a freer and happier future.