In life there is nothing to fear, only to understand
(Margherita Hack, Astrophysicist)
The WOMEN AND SCIENCE meeting, promoted by the Museum of Saving, will offer high school students the unique opportunity to meet those who have chosen a career in the fields of science, technology and mathematics.
Three scholars and scientists in different areas will talk about their journey, the difficulties they faced and the passion that guided them. Objective: to convey confidence to the students and encourage them not to give up.
Particular attention will be paid to girls: in fact, although the number of those who manage to succeed in various professions is increasing, there are still gender prejudices and stereotypes that keep women away from STEM disciplines.
11.00 Introduction and moderation of the meeting
Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving
11.10 Open dialogue with three women of science
Alice Melocchi, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Milan
Laura Li Puma, Head of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory – Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center
Zaira Cattaneo, Associate Professor Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo
11.45 am Q&A
12.00 Eduquiz: S.T.E.M. and future of work
A moment of edutainment to reflect on the key role that disciplines S.T.E.M. will have in the future.
Download the program
How to participate
Free participation with mandatory registration by filling out the form https://bit.ly/FormDonneeScienza by March 5th.
All teachers registered for the workshop will receive instructions on how to log on.
For further information, write to info@museodelrisparmio.it.
You couldn’t follow the event? WATCH IT HERE