17 November

- 03 April

Valorizing the human capital – webinars for parents and teachers

As part of the collaboration between the Museum of Saving and MOIGE (Italian Parents Movement), a new series of webinar dedicated to parents and teachers will start in November, where we will explore the topic of enhancing the human capital of our young girls and boys.


Calendar of events “Valorizing the Human Capital”


Thursday 17 November

The new teenagers: who they are and what do they need


Who are the young people of today? What are their expectations for the future? How do they imagine their working life?

Adolescence is not only a transitional phase between childhood and adulthood, it is the age when girls and boys make many of the choices that will define their future, with all the related responsibilities and risks.

It is our responsibility to regain the confidence of youngsters and help them to make decisions in total freedom and in accordance with their aptitudes and potential.

Register for the event at the link: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-i-nuovi-adolescenti-chi-sono-e-di-cosa-hanno-bisogno-459904736447

Couldn’t follow the event? REVIEW IT HERE!



Monday 12 December

Discovering and developing the talents of young people


Thursday 19 January 2023

Supporting the choice of the educational pathway


Thursday 2 March 2023

Education for self-entrepreneurship


Monday 3 April 2023

Training soft skills from an early age



tag: Valorizing the human capital