22 March

- 26 March

Global Money Week: Museum of Saving’s initiatives


On the occasion of Global Money Week, a calendar of online events to raise awareness among primary, middle and high school students on the issues of protection from digital risks and the security of digital payments.

The contents were developed as part of an educational project on IT security designed by the Museum of Saving with the collaboration of the Cybersecurity Department of Intesa Sanpaolo.



Primary Schools

Online lab NO, I WON’T FALL FOR IT

Online lab dedicated to children aged 7 to 10 to raise awareness on the importance of protecting their electronic devices, their personal data and their first online purchases, supervised by parents, from attacks by scammers.

Through some fun challenges led by a tutor, children will test their knowledge and skills in evaluating the reliability of a website or search engine, creating secure passwords, protecting social profiles and defending against computer viruses.

Duration: 60 minutes



Middle Schools

Online lab GET WISE!

This lab allows boys and girls to playfully reflect on the risks associated with surfing the Internet, with particular attention to the aspects of online purchases and digital payments.

From the IWB, the tutor will offer students a series of tests to be faced in teams with the aim of earning as many points as possible. For the winners, the nice animated GIFs from the Museum of Saving.

Topics covered: surfing the net safely, protecting one’s digital identity, choosing safe websites for online purchases, recognizing the most common scams related to digital payments.

Duration: 60 minutes


How to participate:

Registration required for both labs by writing to prenotazioniMDR@operalaboratori.com, indicating the name of the school, the classes involved and the references of the teachers.

The connection will take place via the school’s virtual meeting platform and can be carried out both from home (via PC, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet) and in the classroom (via IWB and Internet connection).

Classes not able to participate from March 22 to 26 can choose another date in April or May.



High Schools


March 23, 10.00 am – 11.15 am

Due to the health emergency, which forced us to stay at home for long, we spend much more time on computers, tablets and smartphones.

As a result, online crimes have considerably increased, and this unfortunate circumstance has made us deal with an inevitable observation: Cybersecurity must be an expertise for anyone who works with electronic devices.

On the occasion of Global Money Week 2021, the Museum of Saving, always committed to spreading the basic notions and principles of Economics, offers a digital live talk in which IT security and digital payments experts will raise awareness among students on how to protect their electronic transactions.

The event will be an opportunity to introduce the new jobs related to cybersecurity and digital payment platforms, and to present the new online lab for high schools that the Museum of Saving will make available from April.


  • Giovanna Paladino (Director and Curator of the Museum of Saving)

The proper management of money, from physical money to electronic money

  • Tiziana Traina (Digital Payments and Services, Intesa Sanpaolo)

The digital payments ecosystem (tools and professions)

  • Marco Valerio Cervellini (Head of External Relations for the Police Anti-Crime Center)

Online payments: recognizing scams and risks

  • Mauro Marigliano (Cybersecurity Expert, Intesa Sanpaolo)

The importance of protecting ourselves: the words of Cybersecurity


Duration: 60 minutes

How to participate:

Registration required by writing to prenotazioniMDR@operalaboratori.com, indicating the name of the school, the classes involved and the references of the teachers.

The live lesson will be held on Webex.