On the occasion of the Turin International Festival of Economics, the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with the Toscanini School of Parma, organizes a fun quiz with educational content for middle school students.
Eco-Quiz represents an extension to schools of the first cycle of the ten-year EconoMia project, a format of the International Festival of Economics reserved for students attending the last two years of high schools.
The educational initiative intends to:
– initiate students to become acquainted with economic issues as early as the years of primary school, thus contributing to the personal and collective cultural growth of the Country;
– encourage the exercise of active citizenship by enriching the civic education curriculum with issues related to economics and finance;
– underline the multidisciplinary nature of the economics through dialogue with other subjects such as history, mathematics, Italian literature and others;
– begin to provide young students with the tools to make choices in a critical and responsible way, with particular regard to the area of managing money and scarce resources;
– help students understand the relationship between money, work and personal and collective well-being.
For this first edition, the contents of the competition focus on financial education issues.
The promoters of the educational initiative are: the Promoting Committee of the Turin International Festival of Economics, Editori Laterza, Museum of Saving, the Toscanini School of Parma, AEEE-Italy.
Eco-Quiz is open to middle school students.
Students from middle schools throughout Italy can access the initiative, after completing the application form.
A precondition for participation is that the classes have the possibility to connect to the Internet and have an IWB to follow the lessons and access the platform used for carrying out the Quiz. In the case of distance learning, both the lessons and the Eco-Quiz can also be enjoyed from home, if an electronic device and Internet connection are available.
The classes that enroll will be able to benefit from two online lessons organized by the Museum of Saving in which, through the viewing of animated videos, the topics subsequently covered by the quiz will be addressed. In particular, the videos will deal with the history and evolution of the currency and some concepts underlying good money management. The videos will remain available in a special reserved area of the Museum of Saving website for the duration of the initiative, in case teachers and students wish to see them again.
All participants will receive the original animated GIFs of the Museum of Saving as a gift.
– First classified class: free educational visit to the Museum of Saving in Turin with travel expenses covered up to a maximum amount of 1,000 euros.
– Second and third classified classes: gadgets from the Museum of Saving.
The awarding of the first classified class will take place during the International Festival of Economics.
- First round
March 24, 2022: 1° multiclass online lesson “From money to current account”
March 31, 2022: 1° Kahoot quiz
- Second round
April 21, 2022: 2° multiclass online lesson “From money to current account”
April 28, 2022: 2° Kahoot quiz
- Third round
May 12, 2022: final challenge among the six winning classes of the first two rounds
Participation in the Eco-Quiz will take place individually, through an electronic device (mobile phone, tablet or PC) owned or made available by the school. To protect the privacy of the participants, teachers will be asked to match the names of the students with alphanumeric codes that allow them to identify the winners of the various rounds.
The winners will be identified automatically through the software, which will reward those who answer correctly in the shortest possible time.
The winners will allow their class to access the subsequent rounds and receive the award.
The teacher interested in joining one or more classes must fill in (by March 18, 2022) the Application Form available at the following link: https://bit.ly/Form_EcoQuiz.
Download the complete ECO-QUIZ rules here.