S.A.V.E. Virtual Tour is the educational project on economic citizenship and sustainability that the Museum of Saving, in collaboration with EIB Institute, dedicates to schools.
From January to June 2022, the Museum of Saving will make available a special training opportunity connected to the project, reserved for middle or high schools that will enroll at least 8/10 classes.
Through the “BECOME A SAVE AMBASSADOR” initiative, it will be possible to benefit from a dedicated course with the assistance of a tutor from the Museum of Saving.
This course includes:·
- an introductory online lesson led by a tutor from the Museum of Saving;
- the autonomous viewing of the videos and gaming APPs made available by the project;·
- the team research “Help the Mayor”;·
- the presentation of works and a final Edu-Quiz led by the tutor from the Museum of Saving.
Overall, these activities will last 10 hours on which the Museum of Saving can report. Dates and times are to be defined with the Museum of Saving.
Every teacher enrolling at least 8/10 classes will receive the photobook “Cha-Ching! L’arte del Risparmio” (Cha – Ching! The art of saving) published by Franco Maria Ricci, and participate in the selection to win a free ticket with guided tour of the Museum of Saving in Turin for all the students involved in the project.
Registration must be done by writing to INFO@savetour.it by February 20. Since the places are limited, requests will be accepted in chronological order.
tag: SAVE Ambassadors