The Museum of Saving, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center – with its Neuroscience Lab – and IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, promotes a workshop aimed at teachers, school managers, educators and all those who are involved in educational activities or are interested in learning more about how learning processes work.
Thanks to the contribution of Neuroscience experts we will explore how the human brain learns and how to train it to improve its cognitive performance, mainly by leveraging game-playing and teamwork skills.
The results of an experimental study carried out with lower secondary school students will be illustrated, showing how gaming plays an essential role also in transmitting the basic concepts of financial education.
- 4.00 pm
Giovanna Paladino (Director and curator Museum of Saving)
Museum of Saving: edutainment at the service of financial education
- 4.10 pm
Sonia D’Arcangelo (Head of Neuroscience Lab – Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center)
The Neuroscience Lab of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center
- 4.20 pm
Emiliano Ricciardi (Neuroscienze Professor – IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca)
Neuroscience and Learning
- 4.40 pm
Matteo Bisanti (Research Collaborator – IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and member of the Game Science Research Center)
The new frontiers of gaming for teaching
Focus: FinLit experiment with the Museum of Saving
- 5.10 pm
Q&A and Conclusions
Participation is free upon registration by CLICKING HERE
Those who register will receive link and information for the connection.
An attendance certificate will be issued upon request.
Video-recording of the event is available HERE
Tag: Neuroscience and gamed-based learning