The Museum of Saving is launching the new series of interviews “Let’s break the money box of…“
A series of online events, lasting max. 45 minutes, where Giovanna Paladino, Director of the Museum of Saving, will interview a guest about his relationship with money, through anecdotes and life experiences.
On this “virtual stage” we will meet guests coming from the world of sport, fashion, science and entertainment. The interviews will cover some basic concepts of financial education, such as the importance of diversifying and planning, risk management and economic independence.
On May 27, at 6 pm, the first appointment with the entrepreneur and performance coach, Dario Silvestri.
Giorgio Chiellini and other top-level athletes’ performer coach Dario Silvestri works in the field of elite professional sport with top players but also with entrepreneurs that he daily supports in the development of performance and results. He is also the author of the book: “Il Potere del Cambiamento – Prepara la tua Mente per il Successo” (“The Power of Change – Prepare your Mind for Success”), a text explaining to people how to develop their potential.
How to participate
The event will be held on WEBEX.
To access the meeting, CLICK HERE on the date and time indicated.
To receive all the information necessary to connect and a reminder of the event, write to
tag: Let’s break the money box of …