Why is it so difficult to talk about money?
Today, on the web, on TV and on social media, everything is discussed: travel, relationships, health and everything relating to the personal sphere. However, it is very rare to come across conversations about money outside of specialist channels.
No one condemns us if we ask a friend question about his life as a couple, while we are considered inappropriate, and everyone feels embarrassed if we try to discuss financial topics.
What are the reasons for such reluctance in discussing our economic situation?
Why does talking about money create so many difficulties and what can be done to change things?
Money: the last of the taboos
Talking about money is considered inappropriate, vulgar or out of place in most social contexts.
For many people, the topic of money causes anxiety, rejection and shame.
Let’s first try to understand the reasons for this taboo.
In our society, the idea of success is often combined with economic position, and this is one of the reasons why there is a certain modesty in making known how much we earn or what our financial situation is.
In other ways, those who feel supported because they come from a wealthy family or because they can count on family support tend to experience this situation with a sense of guilt.
Furthermore, many people are convinced that they do not have the necessary skills to deal with their own money, therefore, feeling uncomfortable, they are careful not to deal with the matter.
Let’s not forget that in our country there still remains a religious culture which, for centuries, has portrayed money as something dirty, unbecoming, something to be ashamed of and not to give too much importance to.
It is a narrative so deeply rooted that very often we are unable to perceive its conditioning.
Whatever the reason, it is clear that talking about money always makes us feel at fault.
In this way we end up considering it normal to maintain a certain distance from our money and we tend not to take serious charge of our finances.
This attitude, however, can also have serious consequences and affects the quality of our life.
Why we should learn to talk about money
Money in itself is not enough to make us happy , but it can be of great help.
In fact, when we learn to save it and manage it with awareness, money allows us to become masters of our dreams.
For this to happen it is necessary to master the art of living the relationship with money serenely, overcoming the beliefs and mental patterns that prevent us from making rational economic choices.
The first important step is to get used to talking about money: with family, with friends, at work.
We need to stop viewing financial matters as something that is beyond our reach and causes us anxiety.
To achieve this, it is necessary to acquire some simple skills through a good financial education program.
After all, it takes very little to discover that you can make excellent economic choices even without being an expert in mathematics.
At the Museum of Saving, it is possible to learn the basics of correct money management in a simple and fun way.
To find out more, visit our website and discover all the activities designed for adults and children.