Cybersecurity and use of money: the initiatives of the Museum of Saving

sicurezza informatica a scuola


Cyber security and school: the ideal combination

PCs, smartphones, tablets and electronic devices: for several years now, children have been immersed in an increasingly digital world. Knowing how they work, how to reap the benefits and how to protect yourself to avoid falling for online scams or digital crimes is increasingly important.

Also thanks to the pandemic, we all had to transfer some of our activities from real to digital life. Even students of all levels.

It has therefore become increasingly urgent for schools to invest in knowledge of IT security, so that even digital natives are aware of all the techniques for surfing the web safely and avoiding falling into traps.


Why spread cybersecurity at school

Cyber security has become a fundamental skill for the daily life of every citizen in an increasingly digital world. However, many students are not adequately prepared to address cyber risks and protect their privacy online. This is why it is so important to spread cybersecurity in schools.

Transmitting the basic concepts and raising students’ awareness of computer security is a task that schools can carry out not only to help children protect themselves, but also to protect their families, their friends and the entire community. Those who have the opportunity to receive adequate education will be able to recognize and avoid risks such as:

  • phishing
  • malware
  • uncontrolled dissemination of personal data


Encouraging cybersecurity among children: why do it

  1. Using technology safely will help children and young people become informed consumers capable of using digital devices responsibly.
  2. Spreading cybersecurity among children is also important to prepare them for the future and because they are the best ambassadors within their families. Among other things, with the increase in digitalisation in many sectors, cybersecurity skills are in greater demand in the world of work. Older students with a more in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity, who further their knowledge in an appropriate course of study, will have a greater chance of accessing careers in IT and technology.
  3. Furthermore, bringing cybersecurity into schools contributes to the creation of active citizenship. When students share their knowledge with friends and family, they can help spread a culture of cybersecurity and raise awareness of the importance of protecting personal data and the use of devices.


The Museum of Saving events on cybersecurity

Given the numerous activities that children carry out online, from purchases to the use of online video games, from the creation of social profiles to web searches, cybersecurity is an increasingly important topic in the educational baggage that schools can provide to all students, without distinction.  

Always committed to disseminating principles and behaviors useful for managing personal money and encouraging sustainable behaviors, the Museum of Saving has decided to address the issue of protection from digital risks and online security with a series of educational activities, both in person and online. 

Meetings such as Drizza le antenne (Prick up your ears) and Digital smart, aimed at both middle and high schools, have the aim of transmitting the basics of cybersecurity to students through workshops, interactive games and fun activities. Students will test their knowledge and skills in creating secure passwords, protecting social profiles, evaluating the reliability of a site or search engine and defending themselves from computer viruses and the most common online scams. 


April 26, 2023