24 March

30 minutes with Paolo Legrenzi

For the series of talks “1 Book in 30 minutes“, on March 24, at 6 pm, we will meet Paolo Legrenzi, an internationally renowned psychologist, Italian pioneer in behavioral finance and author of the book “L’alfabeto dei soldi. Mente, tempo, emozioni al servizio dei nostri risparmi” (“The alphabet of money”) .

From B for Big Data to V for Value, from L for liquidity to P for Panic – through unexpected inspirations like Gattopardo – the author teaches us to recognize, and if possible to avoid, the mental and emotional traps we often fall into when we manage our money.

The event, in collaboration with the publisher Guerini e Associati, will be held on WEBEX.

To access the meeting, click on this link http://bit.ly/unLIBROin30min2403 on the date and time indicated.

To receive all the information necessary to connect and a reminder of the event, write to info@museodelrisparmio.it.


tag: 1 book in 30 minutes Paolo Legrenzi