Crosswords, quizzes, drawings and creativity! These are the tools to deal with the issues of prices and of recognition and use of the various coins and banknotes with children, as well as to reflect on personal attitude towards money management.

The price of our dreams (6-9 years)

Starting from the e-book “The Words of Finance” and a selection of videos from the Museum of Saving, the lab aims to make students understand the main financial instruments and the key concepts of asset allocation.

Financial Planner (15-18 years)

Through the practical experience of recycling, followed by a fun creative phase, children will be guided in a broad reflection on the conscious use of resources and the circular economy.

Let’s re-cycle (6-13 years)

A spasso nel tempo - immagine antica roma
After watching some videos and commenting them with a tutor, participants will be involved in the simulation of a market set in Ancient Rome (between the 3rd century BC and the 2nd century AD), peopled with sellers, buyers and messengers. Students will have the chance to understand in a practical ...

Shopping through times (8-10 years)

Circular Challenge - sustainable development goals
The lab, providing for an active involvement of students through a fun team challenge, aims to make participants reflect on the impacts of an unsustainable production system, and on public and private initiatives that can be implemented for a more conscious and rational management of natural resources.

Circular Challenge (15-18 years old)

Economia x tutti IMG_4641
The lab has a twofold purpose: to make a series of economic terms and concepts (e.g. spread, rating, interest rate) easily understandable and to get students used to correctly decoding the language used by financial media. Participants, working in team, will have to understand some typical expressions of economic and ...

Economy 4 all (14-18 years)

Dal salvadanaio agli Euro IMG_0004
  The lab starts with a guided tour of the precious collection of over 1,500 piggy banks of the Museum of Saving (illustrating the origins of this iconic object) and the screening of the vintage cartoon “The Ant and the Grasshopper”, through which children can reflect on the importance of ...

From the piggy bank to the Euros (7-10 years)

This role play, through the exploration of three different perspectives, allows teenagers to discuss about the digital payments. The citizen’s perspective: pros and cons of e-payments The politician’s perspective: e-money as a tool to promote a transparent economy Legal institutions: how to avoid scams in digital payments

No cash world (14-17 years)

‘Price Discovery’ is an amusing role-play addressed to middle school students and conceived to stimulate reasoning about how prices are determined and how the law of supply and demand works.

Price Discovery (14-16 years)

This lab is focused on personal money management. It invites teenagers to identify their spending objectives, to categorize them according to time horizon and to distinguish between superfluous and necessary expenses.

It’s up to you (11-14 years)

This lab, conceived on the occasion of EXPO, aims at stimulating the debate about the shortage of natural resources (e.g. food, water, soil…) and about the ways of handling them in order to avoid waste.

Neverland (6-10 years)

This lab aims at teaching the basic concepts of saving and investment to children (aged 6 – 10) in a recreational and easy way. Children are invited to think about the importance of work to earn money and to reach their life objectives, as well as about how to use ...

Kids&Savings (6-10 years)